Forum 7

Creative Lenses Forum Amstelveen

23 March 2017
Amstelveen, The Netherlands
Organised by P60


In an international setting, this one-day conference brings together inspiring examples of new models, that generate more income and support for arts, without compromising on artistic goals and values. Instead, these initiatives connect audiences, artists and arts institutions to provide the means and freedom for artists to do what they do best: make art work. An inspiring day for arts professionals and others interested in new business ideas.
The programme is completely English spoken and includes:

• A keynote speech by Flemish theatre director / tv host Lucas de Man about arts and business.
• The do’s and don’ts of crowdfunding, hosted by Dutch arts crowdfunding platform Voordekunst.
• A panel discussion about new business ideas for the performing arts field with some inspiring cases from We Are Public (connecting audience), Splendor Amsterdam (common ownership) and Hedon Zwolle (artist in residence).
• Clinics about a.o. audience development, business modeling  and crowdfunding.
• Business model fuck-up: how an awesome business idea can be not awesome after all…
• Chairman of the day: Dutch word-artist Manu van Kersbergen.
• Enough time to meet other participants and speakers during lunch and drinks.



Visit the Forum’s webpage for further information (also in Dutch) or download the programme.



Regular ticket: 35€, including lunch.
Student ticket: 17,50€, including lunch. Please take your student card with you!
Register here.